Saturday, May 19, 2007

Greensburg, Class of 2007

We just returned a short time ago from Greensburg, Ks. As everyone knows now, that is the town about 2 hours west of Wichita that suffered the EF5 tornado a few weeks ago on May 4th.

This was my second trip to Greensburg in two weeks.
The first trip was May 5th when I was called to assist in the search and rescue efforts with my search and rescue dog, Clarice. I felt I was helping in some small way and I hope it helped to set some people's mind at ease that we cleared areas and everyone had been accounted for. My dog was worked by another team member on the 6th as well as I stayed home tending to more business projects.

As I went about completing projects here the last few weeks, the town of Greensburg had a Commencement Ceremony they were planning with little notice and no school left to host the ceremony. Shortly before our wedding of Chase and Ashley yesterday, we received a phone call from the local DJ's Association here in town asking our Videography Association if someone could donate their time to film the graduation today. FCP was one of the few videographers available and we felt we needed to help more. We wanted to give the graduates something to take with them when everything or most everything they had before was lost.

Working off of 4 hours sleep and recharging batteries as fast as possible overnight, restocking camera bags with tape and charging remaining batteries on the way there, we made it in time this morning to clear security checkpoints, set up and film the ceremony for the 8th Grade Graduates and the Senior Class of 2007. Several Dignitaries were present giving what advice and encouragement they could. President Bush sent a letter of Congratulations which was read and a private reception followed for graduates, friends and family only, no press.

Those that set up the ceremony were very gracious to us and allowed us free reign to get shots of the class that national media was not allowed to get. Every student will receive a copy of the graduation when it is completed.

FCP would like to thank Mark Miles of VideoVisions for volunteering and assisting us by operating a third camera- thank you!

If you would like to help in the efforts at Greensburg, follow this link to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund and see how you can help financially, by donations, or in other ways.

Congratualtions class of 2007!

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