Friday, July 25, 2008

Fat Cat's Makin' Tracks

Yesterday we received some copies of the newest Event DV Magazine, a trade magazine we subscribe to discussing topics relating to event videographers and filmmakers. And...we were excited to find ourselves on the cover! We had been contacted several weeks ago by one of the authors wanting to interview us for our out-of-market weddings. We aren't sure how we ended up on the Event DV radar, but it was nice to be recognized in such a great magazine with other superb videographers across the country, many of whom we look up to and admire! We simply strive to provide good, solid work to our customers to provide them with a keepsake of a lifetime, all the while having a great time ourselves and enjoying meeting so many wonderful people along the way! Here are some shots of the cover that Alex provided us, from T&J Studios of the magazine. Jeff of T&J took the cover photo during one of our eXtreme sessions last summer. You can find the article online soon at .


Anonymous said...

Stephanie & Barry congratulations!!!
Loved it when our issue came and you guys were on the cover. You are rockin' Kansas and the world! Way to go. :)
Going to WEVA I hope.

Steve Moses
Vantage Point Productions, Inc.

Anonymous said...

WHOO HOO, Steph & Barry!

Congratulations! You've worked hard for this!